For four years, Florida International University introduced me to more than I ever thought possible. My growth as a student leader and professional have led me to many opportunities and challenges. It all started with a bit of creativity…

My all-time favorite undergrad project- For my Integrated Communication Marketing Capstone, we researched Aggressive Drivers in Miami, Florida. We implemented a resource page and did five months worth of research. Here’s what we found:

I was very involved on and off campus and always had a passion for incorporating my creativity through different programs. Here are some videos I created to explore Adobe Premiere. 

FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios is a campus part of FIU Communication, Architecture + The Arts, also known as CARTA. It serves as a space for exhibitions, the use of its innovation lab, learning about the Sea Level Solution Center and more. As the Events and Media Assistant, I assisted and coordinated logistics for events and actively promoted the space through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and the CARTA News. My goal was to strive in a #WorldsAhead platform and promote the school as such.

Published FIU Communication, Architecture + The Arts News Articles: